The Egils saga Skallagrimssonar audio book

Egils saga has been selected as the first audio book. It is one of the best known and most critically acclaimed sagas.

Egils saga is an epic Icelandic saga. The oldest transcript (a fragment) dates back to 1240 AD. The saga is centered on the life of Egil Skallagrímsson, an Icelandic farmer, viking, and skald. It is generally referred to as “Egla” by Icelandic scholars.

The first few chapters have been uploaded and linked to the Egils saga page. More chapters will be added as soon as they are ready. The full number is 92, so this should take a while to complete, but the aim is to finish the audiobook by the end of January 2011.

On a personal note, this is working quite well to warm up my voice! As this is warm-up reading, I do a maximum of three takes on each chapter and each chapter is one whole unedited take. With 5-10 minutes per chapter, I need to read 2-3 chapters to warm up sufficiently for “real work”, so I will need to supplement the recordings with additional readings after work to meet my deadline. So far I’m having fun with it, though, so that shouldn’t be a problem!


Filed under Egils Saga

8 responses to “The Egils saga Skallagrimssonar audio book

  1. Inga Jóna Óskarsdóttir

    langar að komast í hljóðbækur – íslendingasögurnar okkar á ensku !

    eru þær til ?

    Inga Jóna
    s. 6910127

    • Þetta verkefni miðar að því að útbúa íslendingasögurnar á ensku, svo þær eru í vinnslu, en verkefnið er mjög ungt, aðeins nokkurra vikna gamalt – Egils saga er fyrst og komnir eru 23 kaflar, markmiðið er að ljúka henni fyrir lok Febrúar.

  2. Ben H

    Simply: you are doing rare and excellent work and please keep it up. You read beautifully, and I hope to hear more.

  3. I’m travelling to Iceland this fall and this is a great way to learn more about the people, the history, the culture, the land before I visit.

  4. lisa

    Will there be anymore additions soon. I very much enjoy your audio book.
    Thank you

  5. Ben Jones

    I love this saga, Egli’s horny, homicidal spirt is good for the soul. I wish it was on audible, actually I can not believe it’s not available. Much love and good luck with this, or a there may be a scorn pole somewhere in your future.

  6. Kimberly Ann Adams

    This is fantastic!!
    Thank you so much for all your hard work!!
    Please, upload more 🙂 🙂

  7. Wade Nelson

    Thank you very much for putting this out. There is a huge shortage of any audio formats of the sagas.

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